Trade Policy, Inclusiveness and the Rise of the Service Economy
25-26 April 2018
Trade, Workshops | Tags: Inclusiveness, Services Trade
Co-organized with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization
WTO Secretariat
Centre William Rappard
Geneva, Switzerland
Call for Papers (PDF)
Over the past two decades, services have been the fastest growing segment of global trade, employment and output. The rise of the service economy has fundamentally altered the economic landscape across the world, and is likely to play a key part in shaping the global economy in the future.
As a result, services have rapidly moved up trade policy agendas worldwide. In fact, since 2006 77% of all signed preferential trade agreements included substantive services provisions, up from only 16% in the 1990s.
The unprecedented prominence of services in global trade offers challenges and opportunities that are yet to be sufficiently understood. The analytical void underlying this phenomenon risks resulting in important misalignments between the implementation of trade policy frameworks and the global agenda for inclusive growth.
Against this backdrop, the Council on Economic Policies, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization are organizing a workshop on 25-26 April, 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland, on policy relevant aspects of the links between trade in services and inclusive growth. Papers presented in the workshop will be considered for an expedited review process for a Review of International Economics special issue to be published in 2019.
We particularly encourage the submission of unpublished empirical work that uses new datasets or exploits policy experiments in a novel and informative way. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- What is the effect of services trade on inclusive growth and structural transformation? Is trade in services a promising development strategy for developing economies?
- How does services trade affect employment, income and gender inequality, quality of and access to service delivery, and innovation?
- What are key determinants of and barriers to services trade? To what extent have trade agreements reduced them?
- What policies are needed to increase services trade opportunities for inclusive growth?
Tuesday, 25 April 2018 Opening and Research Sessions (Room F) 08.30-9.00 Arrival & Registration 09.00-09.15 Welcoming Remarks
(Organizers)Session I: Services in International Trade
Chair: Johannes Schwarzer, CEP
09.15-10.00 The Interconnections between Services and Goods Trade at the Firm-Level
Andrea Ariu, LMU Munich
Holger Breinlich, University of Surrey
Gregory Corcos, Ecole Polytechnique
Giordano Mion, University of Sussex
Cosimo Beverelli, WTO
Slides10.00-10.45 Services Development and Comparative Advantage in Manufacturing
Xuepeng Liu, Kennesaw State University
Aaditya Mattoo, World Bank
Zhi Wang, US International Trade Commission
Shang-Jin Wei, Columbia University
Discussant: Roberta Piermartini, WTO
Slides10.45-11.15 Coffee Break 11.15-12.00 Serving Abroad: Export, M&A, and Greenfield Investment
Francesco Paolo Conteduca, University of Mannheim
Ekaterina Kazakova, University of Mannheim
Discussant: Maria C. Latorre, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
SlidesSession II: The Effects of Services Trade
Chair: Stela Rubinova, WTO12.00-12.45 Winners and Losers of Service Offshoring: Worker and Firm Level Evidence
Andrea Ariu, LMU Munich
Katariina Nilsson Hakkala, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
J. Bradford Jensen, Georgetown University
Saara Tamminen, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Discussant: Emmanuel Milet, University of Geneva
Slides12.45-14.00 Lunch 14.00-14.45 Import Competition in Services: Firm Survival, Firm Growth and Implied Changes in Employment
Elisabeth Christen, Austrian Instute of Economic Research
Michael Pfaffermayr, University of Innsbruck
Yvonne Wolfmayr, Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Discussant: Angelo Martelli, London School of Economics
Slides14.45-15.30 Did the Rise of Service Off-shoring and IT-Boom Change India’s Economic Landscape?
Devaki Ghose, University of Virginia
Discussant: Marco Fugazza, UNCTAD
Slides15.30-16.00 Coffee Break Public Lecture (Room D) 16.00–17.00 Services Globalization in an Age of Insecurity: Rethinking Trade Cooperation
Introduction: Marc Bacchetta, WTO
Aaditya Mattoo
Research Manager, Trade and integration, World Bank
Chair: Chris Papageorgiou, IMFPolicy Panel (Room D) 17.00-18.30 Services Trade Negotiations for Inclusive Development: A Policy Agenda
Jane Kelsey
Professor of Law, University of Auckland
Hamid Mamdouh
Senior Counsel at King & Spalding LLP
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås
Senior Economist, Trade and Agriculture, OECD
Joakim Reiter
Chair: Johannes Schwarzer, CEP18.30- Apero Monday, 26 April 2018 Research Sessions (Room F) Session III: The Effects of Services Trade Policy
Chair: Victor Stolzenburg, WTO09.15-10.00 Do Restrictions on Data Flows Inhibit Trade in Services?
Martina Francesca Ferracane, ECIPE
Erik van der Marel, ECIPE
Discussant: Lee Tuthill, WTO10.00-10.45 Firm heterogeneity in services trade: micro-level evidence from eight OECD countries
Sebastian Benz, OECD
Dorothée Rouzet, OECD
Francesca Spinelli, OECD
Discussant: Davide Rigo, Graduate Institute
Slides10.45-11.15 Coffee Break 11.15-12.00 The value of market access and national treatment commitments in services trade agreements
Philipp Lamprecht, ECIPE
Sebastien Miroudot, OECD
Discussant: Juan Marchetti, WTOSession IV: Methods and Data
Chair: Marc Bacchetta, WTO12.00-12.45 Dark Costs, Missing Data: Shedding Some Light on Services Trade
James E. Anderson, Boston College
Ingo Borchert, University of Sussex
Aaditya Mattoo, World Bank
Yoto V. Yotov, Drexel University
Discussant: Eddy Bekkers, WTO12.45-14.00 Lunch Measuring Services Data Flows 14.00-14.30 World Trade in Services: Evidence from A New Dataset
Prakash Loungani, IMF
Saurabh Mishra, World Bank
Chris Papageorgiou, IMF
Ke Wang, IMF
Slides14.30-15.00 Services Trade by Modes of Supply
Andreas Maurer, WTO
SlidesMeasuring Barriers to Trade in Services 15.00-15.30 New Database on Measures affecting Services Trade
Joscelyn Magdeleine, WTO15.30-16.00 Regulatory Barriers to Trade in Services: A New Database and Composite Indices
Sebastian Benz, OECD
Janos Ferencz, OECD
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordas, OECD
SlidesClosing Session (Room F) 16.00-16.30 Trade Policy, Inclusion and the Rise of the Services Economy: A Research Agenda
Chair: Bob Koopman, WTO -
- Peter Egger, ETH Zurich
- Ricardo Hausmann, Harvard University
- Bernard Hoekman, European University Institute
- Bob Koopman, World Trade Organization
- Aaditya Mattoo, World Bank
- Margaret McMillan, Tufts University
- Chris Papageorgiou, International Monetary Fund
- Johannes Schwarzer, Council on Economic Policies