Archive: January 2022

Greening Financial Governance: Lessons from China

| 13 January 2022
Monetary, Discussion Notes | Tags: China, Governing Finance, Green Finance, Macroprudential Policy
China’s turn towards green financial governance has causes and consequences that are instructive for policymakers elsewhere. This paper traces the evolution of rules and regulations designed to guide China’s financial system towards supporting green firms and projects since the 1990s. It outlines four domestic reasons ... continue reading

Double Whammy? The Impact of Trade and Automation on High-Skilled Jobs

and | 10 January 2022
Trade, Blog | Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Employment, Services
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities for language, speech and image recognition pass human levels, AI-enabled software can perform white collar tasks previously done exclusively by high-skilled humans. Furthermore, white collar jobs in rich countries could face a double whammy. Not only may AI-enabled automation transform ... continue reading

From Budgetary to Tax Expenditures: Tackling Social Protection in Quebec, Canada

, and | 7 January 2022
Fiscal, Discussion Notes | Tags: Social Protection, Tax Expenditures
In his 2018 article "Reimagining Social Protection" Michal Rutkowski, the World Bank's Global Director for Social Protection and Jobs, highlighted the need for new social protection systems that retain their original purpose of fighting poverty, helping households manage uncertainty, and ultimately sparking a more efficient ... continue reading