Tag: Domestic Revenue Mobilization

Tax Expenditures and Domestic Revenue Mobilisation

9-11 November 2021 | Online
Fiscal, Workshops | Tags: Domestic Revenue Mobilization, Informality, Tax Expenditures, Tax Reform
Tax expenditures (TEs) are tax benefits that governments use worldwide to pursue various policy goals such as attracting investment, boosting innovation and fighting poverty. TEs are costly, as they lower government revenue and the tax liability of the beneficiary. The global average of tax revenues ... continue reading

COVID-19 and Seizing the Opportunity for Reforming Tax Expenditures in Africa

and | 27 July 2020
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Covid-19, Domestic Revenue Mobilization, Tax Expenditures
The  resources needed for financing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are estimated at USD 2.5 – 3 trillion per year. According to the IMF, low-income countries (LIC) will need, on average, additional resources amounting to 15.4% of GDP to finance the SDGs in education, health, ... continue reading

Domestic Revenue Mobilization and Tax Expenditures in Developing Countries

and | 11 July 2018
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Domestic Revenue Mobilization, Tax Expenditures
Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) is a fundamental component of any sustainable development strategy. This is particularly salient in developing countries where low DRM levels are often one of the most important impediments to inclusive economic growth. Whereas external financing – including, e.g. official development assistance ... continue reading