From Dependencies to Environmental Risks for Finance. Taking Next Steps
Chiara Colesanti Senni and
Adrian von Jagow | 9 May 2022
Blog | Tags:
Central Banks,
Environmental Risks,
Financial Supervision Climate-related risks are now widely recognized as a source of financial risks by financial supervisors and central banks worldwide. Estimates of transition risks, which include risks stemming from the transition to a low-carbon economy, have become more granular, thanks in part to improved data availability.
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A Dashboard for Biodiversity Risk Metrics
Oliver Braunschweig,
Chiara Colesanti Senni and
David Lunsford | 24 March 2022
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Biodiversity Risk,
Central Banks This policy brief calls on central banks and financial supervisors to build and use a dashboard of biodiversity metrics to assess biodiversity risks in terms of both dependencies and impacts. In order for these metrics to become fully operational, they should cover risks for firms
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Aligning Central Bank Refinancing Operations with the G20 Agenda
Chiara Colesanti Senni and
Pierre Monnin | 6 October 2021
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Central Banks,
Climate Risk,
Targeted Refinancing Lines Since the Pittsburgh Summit in 2009, G20 leaders have repeatedly highlighted inclusive growth and environmental protection as core objectives in their joint declarations. With the widening of economic inequalities and the acceleration of climate change and biodiversity loss, their calls for action have gained further
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The Case for Climate Objectives in Central Banks’ Targeted Refinancing Operations
Chiara Colesanti Senni | 12 February 2021
Blog | Tags:
Central Banks,
Climate Risk,
Policy Coherence,
Targeted Refinancing Lines Central banks are making increasing use of targeted refinancing operations to pursue their mandates. However, so far none of them, with a few exceptions in developing economies, has aligned its targeting with the objective of a transition to a low-carbon economy. This must change. Refinancing
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