Globalization and Digitalization – Interconnections Between Taxation, Trade and Investment
3, 10, 17, 24 June and 1 July, 2021 14.00-17.00 CET | Online Fiscal,
Workshops | Tags:
Services Trade,
Tax Expenditures,
Taxes Recent decades have witnessed structural changes in the way production is organized. Trade and investment liberalization together with technological developments, notably in transport and communications, have substantially reduced trade and foreign investment costs and enabled global value chains, supported by global finance, to proliferate. As
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Avoiding Mining Tax Relief Pitfalls During a Crisis
Alexandra Readhead | 22 May 2020
Blog | Tags:
Tax Expenditures,
Taxes Establishing effective tax policy for the mining sector can be a challenge in the best of times, especially for resource-rich developing countries which may lack sector-specific experience and technical capacity. Under the pressure of a crisis, it is critical for countries to steer clear of
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Governments Should Use Tax Systems to Drive Inclusive Growth Agenda
David Bradbury and
Bert Brys | 22 July 2016
Blog | Tags:
Tax Expenditures,
Taxes Tax policy design should play a key role in not only supporting growth but also in addressing distributional concerns. Taxes affect inequality through different channels. The most direct way in which taxes redistribute income is by narrowing the distribution of (post-tax) disposable income. Taxes can
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Are Tax Expenditures a Good Way to Redistribute?
Silvia Avram | 1 July 2016
Blog | Tags:
Tax Expenditures,
Taxes Since 2007, governments across several European countries have implemented cuts to their social programs in an attempt to tackle the fiscal deficits generated by the last economic and financial crisis. At the same time, they have increasingly made use of various tax related measures to
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Africa Could Become the World’s Next Powerhouse
Gilles Carbonnier | 26 September 2013
Blog | Tags:
Taxes “A winning Africa!” “Thousands of Portuguese workers emigrate to the former colony of Angola in search of work.” Headlines such as these are a perfect illustration of the Afro-optimism that has gripped the media these last few years. In an Africa courted by foreign investors,
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