The Digital Economy for Economic Development: Free Flow of Data and Supporting Policies
Lurong Chen,
Wallace Cheng,
Dan Ciuriak,
Fukunari Kimura,
Junji Nakagawa,
Richard Pomfret,
Gabriela Rigoni and
Johannes Schwarzer | 27 April 2019
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Inclusiveness The digital economy provides ample opportunities for G20 economies to accelerate inclusive economic growth. To take advantage of digital technology, free flow of data backed up by a series of policies to address other public policy objectives must be promoted. However, policies for the flow
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Services Trade for Sustainable, Balanced, and Inclusive Growth
Carlos Primo Braga,
Jane Drake-Brockman,
Bernard Hoekman,
J. Bradford Jensen,
Patrick Low,
Hamid Mamdouh,
Pierre Sauvé,
Johannes Schwarzer and
Sherry Stephenson | 3 April 2019
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Economic Growth,
Services Trade Structural changes in the world economy have altered the way we think about the nexus between trade and growth. In particular, the rise of the services economy and the digital revolution have rocked the world of trade policy-making in ways that are not nearly sufficiently
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Investor-State Dispute Settlement: An Anachronism Whose Time Has Gone
Johannes Schwarzer | 24 September 2018
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Services Trade Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) – a mechanism that allows foreign investors to bring claims against host governments to an international arbitral tribunal – is a postcolonial relic that should be abolished.
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Mend It, Don´t End It: The case for upgrading the G20’s pledge on protectionism
Johannes Schwarzer,
Simon Evenett,
Sait Akman,
Axel Berger,
Eduardo Bianchi,
Carlos Primo Braga,
Marcela Cristini,
Kamala Dawar,
Matthias Helble,
Galina Kolev,
Jürgen Matthes,
Maximiliano Mendez-Parra,
Claudia Schmucker,
Akihiko Tamura and
Tu Xinquan | 3 September 2018
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Services Trade Despite neutering the official monitoring of protectionism, unmistakable evidence assembled from state sources demonstrates that G20 members routinely violate their “no protectionism” pledge.
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Mitigating the Adjustment Costs of International Trade
Johannes Schwarzer,
Clara Brandi,
Uri Dadush,
Peter Draper,
Andreas Freytag,
Miriam Kautz,
Peter Rashish and
Rob Vos | 3 September 2018
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Employment The evidence demonstrating that nations gain from trade is overwhelming. However, trade liberalization can cause disruption to firms and workers, and its gains and losses are spread unevenly.
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