Inclusive Green Finance: a New Agenda for Central Banks and Financial Supervisors
Ulrich Volz and
Peter Knaack | 23 June 2023
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Financial Inclusion,
Green Finance Through an integrated inclusive green finance (IGF) approach, central banks and financial supervisors can enable a just transition to an environmentally sustainable economy and avoid potential adverse effects on economically vulnerable groups.
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Global Financial Networked Governance – The Power of the Financial Stability Board and its Limits
Peter Knaack | 27 March 2023
Books | Tags:
Finance Stability,
Governing Finance Peter Knaack's book provides a careful analysis of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and the standard-setters under its umbrella, showing how government networks harness the power of public reputation to herd their members into compliance.
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Two Sessions 2023: Reforming China’s Financial Governance
Sebastian Guo and
Peter Knaack | 22 March 2023
Blog | Tags:
Economic Growth,
Financial Stability Over the past years, China has reformed the governance of its financial system to better serve its development path.
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