Trade Protection – What Impact on Jobs and Wages?
Nicolas Benoit and
Patrick Lenain | 23 December 2022
Blog | Tags:
Trade Liberalization,
Wages New research indicates that import tariffs by the US on China increased employment and wages in the targeted industries. The benefits are counterbalanced, however, by several costs to the economy as a whole.
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Supporting the Just Transition: a Roadmap for Central Banks and Financial Supervisors
Pierre Monnin and
Nick Robins | 22 December 2022
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Central Banks,
Financial Inclusion,
Financial Supervision,
Transition risks Shifting to a sustainable economy will reshape the outlook for countries and sectors across the world. Managed well, the net zero transition could lead to more and better jobs as well as reduced risks from climate shocks. Managed poorly, however, it could result not
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Trade in Marine Debris Collection Services
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås and
Ronald Steenblik | 15 December 2022
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Biodiversity Risk,
Environmental Services,
Services Trade The economic costs of marine debris to the APEC region are high. It is critical to remove restrictions on trade, investment and the temporary movement of people needed to engage in debris clean-up services. APEC Ministers have noted how environmental services are important to prevent,
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How the State Bank of Vietnam Deals With Climate Risks
Pierre Monnin and
Patrick Lenain | 13 December 2022
Op-Eds | Tags:
Central Banks,
Climate Risk In Vietnam, the central bank has successfully supported economic growth. However, by doing that, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has also contributed – unintentionally – to fast-rising greenhouse gas emissions.
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