Tag: Monetary Policy Operations

ECB and Climate Change: The Direction is Clear – But Ambition and Speed are Lacking

| 7 June 2021
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Central Banks, Monetary Policy Operations, Sustainability
All public institutions urgently need to address the colossal challenges posed by climate change. Central banks are no exception, and their representatives are well aware of this. Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, for example, is convinced "that we can all do more to mitigate ... continue reading

Monetary Policy Operations and Financial Regulation to Green the Financial System

22 February, 2021 18.00 CET | Online
Monetary, Panel | Tags: Asset Purchases, Financial Regulation, Monetary Policy Operations, Targeted Refinancing Lines
The panel discussion will explore policy options – large-scale asset purchases, long-term refinancing operations, collateral framework and prudential regulation – to green the financial system, as well as debate their feasibility and effectiveness. ... continue reading

Strengthening Climate Risk Metrics – A Roadmap for 2021

23 February 2021 | Online | By Invitation
Monetary, Roundtables | Tags: Central Banks, Climate Risk, Financial Supervision, Monetary Policy Operations, Risk Metrics
Climate risks are financial risks. As such they must be incorporated into all investment decisions, including those by banks, investors and asset managers. They must also become an integral part of central banks’ monetary policy operations, as well as of financial supervision – both on ... continue reading

Climate Financial Risks: Assessing Convergence, Exploring Diversity

, and | 9 December 2020
Monetary, Discussion Notes | Tags: Climate Risk, Financial Supervision, Monetary Policy Operations, Risk Metrics
Climate risks are now fully recognized as financial risks by asset managers, investors, central banks, and financial supervisors. As a result, the integration of climate risk metrics into risk management processes is moving up agendas worldwide. In that context, a rapidly growing number of market ... continue reading

The Transition to a Sustainable Post-COVID Economy Requires an Urgent Shift in Central Bank Risk Management

| 10 July 2020
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Central Banks, Climate Risk, Covid-19, Financial Regulation, Monetary Policy Operations, Precautionary principle
The COVID-19 crisis is profoundly and durably transforming our economies. So will the transition to a low-carbon economy, which is necessary to contain the environmental crisis ahead of us. Shifting our economic system from its current state to a sustainable post-COVID version entails large and ... continue reading