Archive: April 2013

Green Economy – Beware of Merchants of Doubt

| 17 April 2013
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Green Growth, Subsidies
Those who oppose change involving powerful economic sectors have long ago found an effective tactic: instilling doubt in the guise of reasonable arguments. A recent manifestation of this tactic is the claim that so-called ‘green jobs’ are too expensive and in fact destroy “real” jobs. ... continue reading

Resource Scarcity, Export Restrictions and the Multilateral Trading System

| 10 April 2013
Trade, Blog | Tags: Commodities, Protectionism, WTO
The turn of the millennium marked a shift towards higher commodity prices and greater price volatility, as a result of high demand for natural resources from emerging economies combined with export restrictions and financial speculation. A recent Chatham House report highlights that, over the past ... continue reading