Archive: November 2018

The Earned Income Tax Credit: Helping Families at a Surprisingly Low Cost

| 29 November 2018
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Inequality, Poverty, Tax Expenditures
Amid growing concerns over stagnant rates of intergenerational mobility, little to no wage growth for low-skilled workers, and declining rates of labor force participation, policymakers are interested in approaches to strengthen incentives to work, increase household income for disadvantaged families, and increase children’s economic opportunity. ... continue reading

International Economic Cooperation in Troubled Times: A Call for Strong Action by the G20

, , , , , , , and | 26 November 2018
Fiscal, Trade, Blog | Tags: Employment, G20, Investment, Protectionism, Services Trade, Tax Competition, Tax Expenditures
The leaders of the G20 will meet on 30 November and 1 December in Buenos Aires for their annual summit. They need to acknowledge that the last two years have been characterized by strong headwinds for the world economy. This time, however, it is not ... continue reading

Assessing Tax Expenditure Reporting in G20 and OECD Economies

and | 6 November 2018
Fiscal, Discussion Notes | Tags: G20, OECD, Tax Expenditures
Governments worldwide pursue public policy objectives through direct spending and tax expenditures (TEs). Interestingly though, and despite their significant impact on government budgets, TEs are opaque and very often not subject to the same level of scrutiny in the budget process as direct spending. This ... continue reading