Contributor: Tom Neubig

Tax Expenditures—The $1.5 Trillion Elephant in the (Budget) Room

and | 16 September 2021
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Income Tax, Inequality, Tax Expenditures
The Biden administration FY 2022 Budget proposal includes $2.4 trillion of additional revenue over the next 10 years. Higher tax rates on high-income individuals and corporations account for $990 billion. At the same time, the budget proposes $1.35 trillion of new tax expenditures from exemptions, ... continue reading

Disparate Racial Impact: Tax Expenditure Reform Needed

| 23 March 2021
Fiscal, Policy Briefs | Tags: Income Inequality, Tax Expenditures
This policy brief discusses the issues of potential disparate racial impacts of U.S. tax laws regarding government subsidy and incentive programs run through the tax system: tax expenditures. It analyzes the available data, provides normative insights, and describes eight steps to address disparate racial impacts ... continue reading

Assessing Tax Expenditure Reporting in G20 and OECD Economies

and | 6 November 2018
Fiscal, Discussion Notes | Tags: G20, OECD, Tax Expenditures
Governments worldwide pursue public policy objectives through direct spending and tax expenditures (TEs). Interestingly though, and despite their significant impact on government budgets, TEs are opaque and very often not subject to the same level of scrutiny in the budget process as direct spending. This ... continue reading

Domestic Revenue Mobilization and Tax Expenditures in Developing Countries

and | 11 July 2018
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Domestic Revenue Mobilization, Tax Expenditures
Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) is a fundamental component of any sustainable development strategy. This is particularly salient in developing countries where low DRM levels are often one of the most important impediments to inclusive economic growth. Whereas external financing – including, e.g. official development assistance ... continue reading

Shedding Light on Hidden Government Spending: Tax Expenditures

and | 20 December 2017
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Tax Expenditures
Tax expenditures (TEs) are used by governments around the world to promote public policy objectives. Examples include tax deductions on mortgage interest to encourage home ownership and preferential tax treatment of pension savings. ... continue reading