Climate Change, Carbon Pricing and Energy Tax Expenditures
Agustin Redonda | 6 October 2016
Blog | Tags:
Carbon Pricing,
Climate Change,
Tax Expenditures Climate change is moving up policy agendas worldwide. Last year’s COP21 was yet another wake-up call that the international community needs to take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The main outcome of the meeting, the Paris Agreement, was a significant milestone in
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South-South Preferential Trade Agreements in Services – Economic Potential Lying Idle
Charlotte Sieber-Gasser | 4 October 2016
Blog | Tags:
Services Trade,
WTO Imagine the Central African Republic and Cameroon investing in the compatibility and quality of their railway tracks, and eventually merging their railways altogether. The producers in the Central African Republic would get easy access to the sea, while Cameroon’s railway and ports would benefit from
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Global Finance, Debt and Sustainability
3 October 2016, Zurich, Switzerland Lectures,
Monetary | Tags:
Climate Change,
Financial Regulation,
Inequality CEP Lecture by Adair Turner co-hosted with the IMF. Lord Turner has been a Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking since 2013, and in 2015 became Chairman of the Institute’s Governing Body.
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