Is It Time to Rationalize Tax Expenditures?
Luisa Dressler,
Sanjeev Gupta,
Agustin Redonda and
Paolo de Renzio | 19 April 2022
Blog | Tags:
Tax Expenditures,
Tax Reform As developing countries recover from the pandemic, they will need to bring their public finances to a more sustainable position, by streamlining public spending and strengthening the revenue base. The need to mobilize additional resources has been exacerbated by the recent economic turmoil triggered by
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COVID-19 and Seizing the Opportunity for Reforming Tax Expenditures in Africa
Agustin Redonda and
Sanjeev Gupta | 27 July 2020
Blog | Tags:
Domestic Revenue Mobilization,
Tax Expenditures The resources needed for financing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are estimated at USD 2.5 – 3 trillion per year. According to the IMF, low-income countries (LIC) will need, on average, additional resources amounting to 15.4% of GDP to finance the SDGs in education, health,
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