Tag: Income Tax

Tax Expenditure Scrutiny Can End Trillion-Dollar Political Game

, and | 19 January 2023
Fiscal, Op-Eds | Tags: Income Tax, Inequality, Tax Expenditures, United States
Too often, government spending is understood only as cash payments to specific individuals or groups. However, targeted exemptions or reductions in taxes owed strain public coffers similarly to direct spending, though often with far less visibility. ... continue reading

Tax Expenditures—The $1.5 Trillion Elephant in the (Budget) Room

and | 16 September 2021
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Income Tax, Inequality, Tax Expenditures
The Biden administration FY 2022 Budget proposal includes $2.4 trillion of additional revenue over the next 10 years. Higher tax rates on high-income individuals and corporations account for $990 billion. At the same time, the budget proposes $1.35 trillion of new tax expenditures from exemptions, ... continue reading

Avoiding a Household Debt Crisis with a Targeted Policy Response

| 8 January 2021
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Covid-19, Debt, Income Tax, Unemployment
The economic effect of the Covid-19 pandemic varies highly across industrial sectors, education levels and income groups, adding further to inequality across the globe. This calls for highly targeted policy responses for the sake of fiscal prudence and to avoid further economic and financial hardship ... continue reading

What the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Means for Tax Expenditures

| 20 June 2019
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Income Tax, Inequality, Tax Expenditures
In a new paper, my former Tax Policy Center colleague Daniel Berger and I calculate that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) modestly reduced the cost of tax expenditures in the individual income tax and made them slightly less regressive. We estimate that ... continue reading

Tax Policy 2020 – Fundamentals, Effects and Scenarios

7 November 2014
Conferences, Fiscal | Tags: BEPS, Carbon Tax, Corporate Tax, Income Tax, Inheritance Tax, Wealth Tax
Conference on international and Swiss tax policymaking, its long-term effects and scenarios for tax reforms moving forward. ... continue reading