Archive: August 2023

Differentiated Carbon Prices in the Electricity Sector: Towards a Cooperative Approach Based on Purchasing Power Parity

| 25 August 2023
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Carbon Pricing, Energy, Renewables
One in five people lacks access to affordable and reliable power. Properly designed, differentiated carbon prices based on purchasing power parity exchange rates (PPPs) would be a giant step to delivering electricity that is more affordable, secure, and clean. ... continue reading

ATI Follow-up Technical Meeting on Tax Expenditures (West Africa)

18-20 September 2023 | Accra, Ghana | By Invitation
Fiscal, Workshops | Tags: Tax Expenditures
The Follow-up Technical Meeting on Tax Expenditures to be held in Accra, Ghana, provided an opportunity to discuss the tools and methods required for tackling the more technical aspects of tax expenditure estimation, reporting, and evaluation in the region. ... continue reading

Climate-Related Systemic Risks and Macroprudential Policy

and | 9 August 2023
Monetary, Policy Briefs | Tags: Climate Risks, Financial Stability, Financial Supervision, Macroprudential Policy, Systemic Risks
Central banks and financial supervisors must rapidly develop sound risk management practices adapted to a context in which policy decisions rely on imperfect data and high uncertainty. ... continue reading

Increasing Transparency on Tax Expenditures in Germany

, and | 8 August 2023
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Germany, Tax Expenditures
As in many other countries, the use of public resources to grant beneficial tax treatments (or tax expenditures) is less well reported and scrutinized in Germany than direct spending. ... continue reading

The Case for International Digital Standards for Interoperability of Trade in Digital Services

, , , and | 4 August 2023
Trade, Policy Briefs | Tags: Data Governance, Digital Economy, International Standards, Services Trade
Divergences in standards add compliance costs and limit the ability of businesses, especially micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, to connect across borders and reap the benefits from scale and access to technology. ... continue reading