The Impact of Interest Rates on Electricity Production Costs
Pierre Monnin | 25 June 2015
Discussion Notes | Tags:
Interest Rates Putting the economy on an environmentally sustainable path requires substantial investments in green energy technologies. Long-term interest rates play a crucial role for energy investments. Against this background, we study the impact of interest rates on the costs of producing electricity with different technologies, using
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Services Trade and Employment
Johannes Schwarzer | 7 June 2015
Discussion Notes | Tags:
Global Value Chains,
Services Trade Driven by spectacular technological advances and the emergence and intensification of global value chains, trade in services has been the most dynamic part of global trade over recent years. All regions of the world have witnessed growth in services trade, albeit at different paces. Europe
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Fundamental Tax Reform: The Purple Tax Plan
1 June 2015 Fiscal,
Roundtables | Tags:
Consumption Tax,
Corporate Tax,
Inheritance Tax Roundtable on fundamental tax reform with Laurence Kotlikoff and a focus on his "Purple Tax Plan". Professor Kotlikoff is Professor of Economics at Boston University, as well as a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Director of the Tax Analysis
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