Archive: February 2022

Cross-border Movement of People and Its Critical Role for Services Trade

and | 28 February 2022
Trade, Blog | Tags: Mode 4, Services Trade, WTO
The importance of cross-border movement of people for services trade and the functioning of global value chains has been amply demonstrated during the COVID-19 crisis. While in normal times – and during the financial crisis in 2008 – services trade has been less volatile than ... continue reading

Liberalizing Services Trade. Insights from the OECD STRI

17 February 2022 16:00-17:00 CET | Online
Panel, Trade | Tags: Services Trade, Trade Liberalization
Global services trade regulations showed signs of liberalization in 2021, hitting a pause button on the steady rise in trade barriers witnessed in previous years. According to the recently released 2021 Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI), services liberalization outpaced new restrictions during 2021. This however ... continue reading

Resilience in Services Value Chains

| 15 February 2022
Trade, Blog | Tags: Global Value Chains, Resilience, Services Trade
COVID-19 has triggered a new debate on the resilience of global value chains (GVCs) and risks associated with international production (Bonadio et al., 2020; Miroudot, 2020a). Most of this debate focuses on manufacturing and shortages of goods such as face masks or semi-conductors. This is ... continue reading

A Guaranteed Win for the Climate: Sustainable Loan Guarantees and Sustainable Loan Guarantee Facilities

, and | 8 February 2022
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Central Banks, Climate Change, Targeted Refinancing Lines
In order to limit global warming to the levels set in the Paris agreement, an immense amount of additional investment has to be directed into sustainable technologies – a difference of between $610 billion (IEA 2020) and $2 trillion (IRENA 2020) per year as compared ... continue reading

The EU Digital Market Regulations: Rule-Maker or Deal-Breaker?

, and | 3 February 2022
Trade, Policy Briefs | Tags: Digitalization, Services Trade
The digital transformation of the economy and society gives rise to a need for updated regulations and rules of the game for the digitised market. Within the EU, this need has been reflected in a number of legislative initiatives, most recently the Digital Markets Act (DMA), ... continue reading