Missing Dollars – Illicit Financial Flows from Commodity Trade
Gilles Carbonnier and
co-editors | 19 June 2024
Books and Journals | Tags:
Governing Finance,
Tax Competition,
Tax Expenditures The book sheds new light on issues such as addressing push and pull factors through domestic and international policy measures, the preferences of key stakeholders for short-term fixes versus long-term policy reforms, and prescriptive approaches and other options to address tax base erosion in resource-rich
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Balancing Export Pricing Commitments in FTAs: Towards Affordable, Secure, and Clean Energy
Oliver Braunschweig | 6 November 2023
Blog | Tags:
Critical Minerals,
Global Value Chains,
Renewables The minerals, metals, and products necessary to build renewable energy systems face an increasing number of export restrictions. This has been fueling fears of further disruptive policies down the road.
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Monetary Policy and Resource Security
22-24 April, 2014 Monetary,
Workshops | Tags:
Resource Security Resource security – the capacity to meet current and future demand for food, water, land, energy and minerals – has been a key concern for policymakers for a long time. As global consumption levels rise, debates on how to safeguard natural capital are moving up
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What is Sustainable Monetary Policy?
17 February 2014 Monetary,
Workshops | Tags:
Alternative Currencies,
Financial Stability Colloquium on monetary policy, its impact on financial markets in general and commodity markets in particular, the role of deregulation in the financial crisis, and the potential of alternative currencies.
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Monetary Policy 2020 – Fundamentals and Scenarios
4 October 2013 Conferences,
Monetary | Tags:
Corporate Finance,
Resource Security Conference on the long-term effects of monetary policy with Peter Bernholz, Dirk Niepelt, Pierre Monnin, Frank Somogyi, Martin Neff, Christoph Schaltegger, Katharina Serafimova, Yves Schneider, Marc Zahner, Rudolf Minsch, Rudolf Walser, Bernhard Herz, Katrin Assenmacher, and Beat Gygi.
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