Tag: Poverty

The Earned Income Tax Credit: Helping Families at a Surprisingly Low Cost

| 29 November 2018
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Inequality, Poverty, Tax Expenditures
Amid growing concerns over stagnant rates of intergenerational mobility, little to no wage growth for low-skilled workers, and declining rates of labor force participation, policymakers are interested in approaches to strengthen incentives to work, increase household income for disadvantaged families, and increase children’s economic opportunity. ... continue reading

Fighting Poverty with Taxes

| 21 November 2017
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Inequality, Poverty, Tax Expenditures
One way the U.S. federal income tax system provides low-income families with financial support is through refundable tax credits. Families can claim refundable tax credits even if they do not owe any tax liability, which allows families with the lowest incomes to receive benefits. ... continue reading

At Whose Service? Jobs and Services Trade in Developing Countries

| 17 November 2014
Trade, Blog | Tags: Development, Employment, Poverty, Services Trade, WTO
Services-led Employment Growth? Creating jobs to match their ever increasing, relatively young labor forces is probably the biggest challenge that developing countries are facing in the medium term. Reducing unemployment is perhaps the most effective tool to achieve a wide range of development goals, such ... continue reading

Asia’s Poor Increase by One-Billion Overnight

| 16 September 2014
Trade, Blog | Tags: G20, IMF, Poverty, Trade, WTO
The news has been exceptionally bad recently: carnage in the Middle East, race riots in the US, ongoing recession in the Eurozone and Japan, tension in the South China Sea, high youth unemployment virtually everywhere, the Ebola epidemic and so on and so depressingly forth. ... continue reading