Contributor: Emanuele Campiglio

Climate Risks in Financial Assets

, and | 4 November 2019
Monetary, Discussion Notes | Tags: Asset Prices, Climate Risk, Climate Stress Tests
This note reviews the empirical evidence available in the academic literature about the impact of climate-related risks on financial assets. It addresses three main questions: does climate change already affect financial asset returns? What is the potential impact of future climate-related costs on financial asset ... continue reading

Climate Change and Finance: What Role for Central Banks and Financial Regulators?

, , , , and | 7 September 2018
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Central Banks, Climate Change, Environment, Financial Regulation
Climate change poses risks to the financial system. Yet our understanding of these risks is still limited. As we explain in a recent paper published in Nature Climate Change, central banks and financial regulators could contribute to the development of methodologies and modelling tools for ... continue reading