Archive: July 2018

The Sunday Program: International Tax Cooperation in the G20

| 20 July 2018
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: G20, Tax Competition, Tax Expenditures
Christine Lagarde suggested in a recent IMF Blog that G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors should concentrate their efforts on three fields when they meet in Buenos Aires on Sunday: global trade, emerging market vulnerabilities, and the impact of technology on jobs. International tax ... continue reading

Tax Competition

, , , , , , , and | 12 July 2018
Fiscal, Policy Briefs | Tags: Corporate Tax, Tax Competition
The world is facing a new round of international tax competition that may result in a ruinous race to the bottom, undermining the fiscal capacity of states to respond to global challenges and to implement the Agenda 2030. G20 leaders must take action to strengthen ... continue reading

Tax Expenditure and the Treatment of Tax Incentives for Investment

, , , , , and | 12 July 2018
Fiscal, Policy Briefs | Tags: Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Investment, Tax Expenditures
Governments use tax expenditures to boost investment, innovation and employment. However, these schemes are largely opaque, costly and often ineffective in reaching their stated goals. They also frequently trigger unwanted side effects. In order to improve the performance of these tools, we present three concrete ... continue reading

Domestic Revenue Mobilization and Tax Expenditures in Developing Countries

and | 11 July 2018
Fiscal, Blog | Tags: Domestic Revenue Mobilization, Tax Expenditures
Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) is a fundamental component of any sustainable development strategy. This is particularly salient in developing countries where low DRM levels are often one of the most important impediments to inclusive economic growth. Whereas external financing – including, e.g. official development assistance ... continue reading