Contributor: Ronald Steenblik

Challenges and Opportunities for the Reform of Fossil Fuel Tax Expenditures in Developing and Emerging Economies

and | 13 July 2023
Fiscal, Discussion Notes | Tags: Energy, Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Tax Expenditures, Tax Reform
Most governments subsidize some fossil fuels, whether to increase domestic energy supply, support declining mining regions, or make fuels more affordable for industry, motor vehicles, or households. These subsidies can be problematic... ... continue reading

Trade in Marine Debris Collection Services

and | 15 December 2022
Trade, Policy Briefs | Tags: Biodiversity Risk, Environmental Services, Services Trade
The economic costs of marine debris to the APEC region are high. It is critical to remove restrictions on trade, investment and the temporary movement of people needed to engage in debris clean-up services. APEC Ministers have noted how environmental services are important to prevent, ... continue reading

G7 Countries Must Urgently Phase Out Fossil Fuel Subsidies

, and | 8 April 2022
Fiscal, Policy Briefs | Tags: Climate Change, Fossil Fuel Subsidies
The world’s governments have pledged to fight climate change, yet many still subsidize fossil fuels, the combustion of which increases GHG emissions. Phasing out these subsidies is thus vital to combating climate change. What this Policy Brief proposes is that G7 Governments reaffirm their commitment ... continue reading

Trade in Environmental Services: The Quiet Revolution

and | 29 March 2021
Trade, Blog | Tags: Environment, Services Trade, Sustainable Development
A significant number of WTO members have taken steps to revive the discussions on the role that traded environmental goods and services could play in a green recovery. This is encouraging. While technology offers significant opportunities for a green recovery, more needs to be done ... continue reading