Tag: Environmental Services

Trade in Marine Debris Collection Services

and | 15 December 2022
Trade, Policy Briefs | Tags: Biodiversity Risk, Environmental Services, Services Trade
The economic costs of marine debris to the APEC region are high. It is critical to remove restrictions on trade, investment and the temporary movement of people needed to engage in debris clean-up services. APEC Ministers have noted how environmental services are important to prevent, ... continue reading

Trade in Environmental Services – Lowering the Barriers, Seizing the Benefits

8 December 2021 10:00-11:30 CET | Online
Roundtables, Trade | Tags: Environmental Services, Green Growth, Services Trade
Major disruptions have often triggered technological revolutions and transitions to a new way of organizing production and consumption. The recovery from the Covid-19 crisis is such an opportunity for change. Technologies for a green recovery have matured over the past decade, and popular demand for ... continue reading