Governing Finance for Sustainability – Advancing the Debate
8-9 July 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland | By Invitation Monetary,
Roundtables | Tags:
Central Banks,
Financial Regulation,
Governing Finance Since the initial roundtable that was held in January 2019 we have been carefully following the debate on governing finance in what we increasingly perceive to be a four-way nexus between growing risks in today's financial and monetary systems, the power of central banks and
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Distributional Impact of Unconventional Monetary Policies
Pierre Monnin | 25 June 2019
Discussion Notes | Tags:
Income Inequality,
QE The sustained application of accommodative monetary policies has led to concerns that they were aggravating inequality. The criticism has come from several quarters, from academics to private sector participants, from politicians to media and civil society organizations. Some argued that by boosting housing and stock
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Trade Policy Priorities for Financial Services
21 June 2019 | Geneva, Switzerland | By Invitation Roundtables,
Trade | Tags:
Financial Regulation,
Services Trade International financial service providers account for a key part of global services flows and have been a historic catalyst of services trade negotiations. Yet, countries today are reluctant to undertake deeper international commitments in financial services
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What the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Means for Tax Expenditures
Eric Toder | 20 June 2019
Blog | Tags:
Income Tax,
Tax Expenditures In a new paper, my former Tax Policy Center colleague Daniel Berger and I calculate that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) modestly reduced the cost of tax expenditures in the individual income tax and made them slightly less regressive. We estimate that
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