Archive: November 2014

Monetary Policy and Inequality – What Do Central Bankers Say?

| 24 November 2014
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Central Banks, Inequality
“Benign neglect” perhaps most aptly characterizes the attitude that central bankers have traditionally displayed toward the topic of economic inequality. Indeed, monetary policy and inequality have long been regarded as having nothing more in common than just the fact that they both coexist. In the ... continue reading

At Whose Service? Jobs and Services Trade in Developing Countries

| 17 November 2014
Trade, Blog | Tags: Development, Employment, Poverty, Services Trade, WTO
Services-led Employment Growth? Creating jobs to match their ever increasing, relatively young labor forces is probably the biggest challenge that developing countries are facing in the medium term. Reducing unemployment is perhaps the most effective tool to achieve a wide range of development goals, such ... continue reading

Tax Policy 2020 – Fundamentals, Effects and Scenarios

7 November 2014
Conferences, Fiscal | Tags: BEPS, Carbon Tax, Corporate Tax, Income Tax, Inheritance Tax, Wealth Tax
Conference on international and Swiss tax policymaking, its long-term effects and scenarios for tax reforms moving forward. ... continue reading