The Devil in the Detail? Eight Lessons from Tax Expenditure Reporting in Rwanda and Uganda
Hazel Granger,
Kyle McNabb and
Harshil Parekh | 22 November 2022
Blog | Tags:
Fiscal Policy,
Tax Expenditures Tax expenditures (TEs) are used widely around the world. Their role in the fiscal systems of low- and middle-income countries has recently attracted increased scrutiny.
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Tax Expenditures and Female Labour Force Participation
Agustin Redonda,
Jacob Bastian,
Amina Ebrahim,
Nora Lustig and
Miranda Stewart | 4 October 2022
Policy Briefs | Tags:
Fiscal Policy,
Tax Expenditures The gender gap in labour force participation (LFP) has been a long-standing issue worldwide. On average, female LFP is currently 25 percentage points below men’s. The impact of the COVID19 pandemic has widened the gap since women have been hit harder by the crisis.. The
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