The Effects of Exporting on Labour Productivity: Evidence from German Firms
Johannes Schwarzer | 24 March 2017
Working Papers | Tags:
Services Trade We revisit the "self-selection vs. learning-by-exporting (LBE)" debate with new evidence on a large panel of German firms of all economic sectors up to the 3-digit NACE level, between 1993-2014, and shed new light on the channels that foster export-induced productivity gains.
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Trade and Jobs in Europe: The Role of Mode 5 Services Exports
José M. Rueda-Cantuche,
Lucian Cernat and
Nuno Sousa | 16 March 2017
Blog | Tags:
Services Trade From 1995 to 2011, the EU employment supported by exports of goods and services to the rest of the world grew by 67%, reaching a total of 31 million jobs. In a recent research piece we set out to bring to light some key insights
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Before We Reform Tax Policy, We Need to Know What Is Working
C. Eugene Steuerle | 9 March 2017
Blog | Tags:
Tax Expenditures Congress and President Trump are embarking on what is likely to be a major rewrite of the federal income tax code. Yet, neither they nor anyone else knows whether the hundreds of tax preferences embedded in the law accomplish their stated purposes.
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Inheritance Taxation, Corporate Succession and Sustainability
Agustin Redonda | 6 March 2017
Discussion Notes | Tags:
Inheritance Tax,
Tax Expenditures Inheritance and estate tax rates are highly heterogeneous across countries. Indeed, the lack of a broadly accepted model of optimal inheritance taxation is reflected in statutory tax rates ranging from 0% in several countries including Australia, Canada and Sweden to 55% in Japan.
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