Tag: Federal Reserve

Is the United States Reneging on International Financial Standards?

| 20 April 2020
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Covid-19, Debt, Federal Reserve, Financial Regulation
The financial shock surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the Federal Reserve to temporarily loosen an important capital-to-asset ratio requirement for US banks. In so doing, it is walking away from a decade-long commitment to global financial reforms forged in the wake of the global ... continue reading

The Low-Skill Losers

| 30 April 2019
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Employment, Federal Reserve, Inequality, QE
The Fed is devoting increasing analytical – if not yet policy-maker – attention to the unequalizing impact of unconventional policy. It’s a start – a major problem besetting central banks in countries without a robust middle class – i.e., the U.S. – is that ... continue reading