Tag: IMF

Scenarios for Fiscal Space. Adapting to the Long-Term Challenges of Climate Change

| 28 January 2020
Fiscal, Discussion Notes | Tags: Climate Change, Fiscal Space, IMF
Climate change poses significant challenges for governments seeking to assess their long-run financial condition. Looking forward, climate change is likely to threaten multiple aspects of a country’s economy. Governments will necessarily be required to provide support in adapting to these challenges. While considerable uncertainty exists ... continue reading

Asia’s Poor Increase by One-Billion Overnight

| 16 September 2014
Trade, Blog | Tags: G20, IMF, Poverty, Trade, WTO
The news has been exceptionally bad recently: carnage in the Middle East, race riots in the US, ongoing recession in the Eurozone and Japan, tension in the South China Sea, high youth unemployment virtually everywhere, the Ebola epidemic and so on and so depressingly forth. ... continue reading