Tag: Employment

The Day After Tomorrow. Designing COVID-19 Bailouts for a Sustainable Recovery

| 4 May 2020
Fiscal, Monetary, Blog | Tags: Bailouts, Climate Change, Covid-19, Employment, Inequality
Governments around the world are taking extraordinary measures to mitigate the economic fallout of COVID-19. Their decisions in the weeks and months ahead will shape our lives for years to come. The fiscal packages that are being adopted as well as the funding that central ... continue reading

The Low-Skill Losers

| 30 April 2019
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Employment, Federal Reserve, Inequality, QE
The Fed is devoting increasing analytical – if not yet policy-maker – attention to the unequalizing impact of unconventional policy. It’s a start – a major problem besetting central banks in countries without a robust middle class – i.e., the U.S. – is that ... continue reading

International Economic Cooperation in Troubled Times: A Call for Strong Action by the G20

, , , , , , , and | 26 November 2018
Fiscal, Trade, Blog | Tags: Employment, G20, Investment, Protectionism, Services Trade, Tax Competition, Tax Expenditures
The leaders of the G20 will meet on 30 November and 1 December in Buenos Aires for their annual summit. They need to acknowledge that the last two years have been characterized by strong headwinds for the world economy. This time, however, it is not ... continue reading

Mitigating the Adjustment Costs of International Trade

, , , , , , and | 3 September 2018
Trade, Policy Briefs | Tags: Employment
The evidence demonstrating that nations gain from trade is overwhelming. However, trade liberalization can cause disruption to firms and workers, and its gains and losses are spread unevenly. ... continue reading

Services Policy Reform and Manufacturing Employment: Evidence from Transition Economies

, and | 13 September 2017
Trade, Working Papers | Tags: Employment, Services Trade
Policy reforms targeting the services sectors are a neglected dimension of the process of structural transformation and economic development. The effects of such reforms on employment across industries as a function of their use of services as intermediate inputs are theoretically ambiguous and remain largely ... continue reading