Past Events

Trade Policy Priorities for Maritime Transport Services

12 March 2019 | By Invitation | Geneva, Switzerland
Roundtables, Trade | Tags: Sectors, Services Trade, Transport
International transport services play a key role in the global economy and are expected to grow significantly as globalization pushes ahead. Maritime transport is a core pillar of the industry. ... continue reading

Governing Finance and Sustainability

21-22 January 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland | By Invitation
Monetary, Roundtables | Tags: Central Banks, Financial Regulation, Governing Finance
As highlighted by Benoît Coeuré from the ECB in his keynote on “Monetary Policy and Climate Change” last November, there is an accelerating momentum to move sustainability up financial market agendas worldwide. A key aspect of this development is the growing acceptance that the nexus ... continue reading

Scaling up Green Finance: The Role of Central Banks

8 – 9 November, 2018. Co-organized with the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System
Monetary, Workshops | Tags: Central Banks, Climate Change, Green Finance
The transition to a low-carbon economy requires shifting trillions from brown to green activities. Several reports estimate that more than USD 90 trillion will be needed to adapt our infrastructure in a way that is consistent with the 2°C scenario. Given that the horizon of ... continue reading

Trade Policy, Inclusiveness and the Rise of the Service Economy

25-26 April 2018
Trade, Workshops | Tags: Inclusiveness, Services Trade
The Council on Economic Policies, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization are organizing a workshop on 25-26 April, 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland, on policy relevant aspects of the links between trade in services and inclusive growth. ... continue reading

Central Banking and Green Finance

28-29 November, 2017. Co-organized with De Nederlandsche Bank
Monetary, Workshops | Tags: Climate Change, Financial Regulation, Green Finance
When the Leaders of the G20 met in China in 2016 they highlighted the necessity to scale up green financing. They also endorsed efforts to “provide clear strategic policy signals and frameworks” to target this objective. The question to what extent central banks can and ... continue reading