Tag: Financial Stability

Central Banking, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

14-15 November 2016
Monetary, Workshops | Tags: Climate, Environment, Financial Stability, Interest Rates, Macroprudential Policy
Co-organized with the Bank of England ... continue reading

Monetary Policy, Macroprudential Regulation and Inequality

3-4 October 2016
Monetary, Workshops | Tags: Financial Stability, Inequality, Inflation, Interest Rates, Macroprudential Policy, QE
Co-organized with the International Monetary Fund ... continue reading

Central Banks, Financial Stability and Inequality

| 9 March 2015
Monetary, Blog | Tags: Central Banks, Financial Stability, Inequality
When you ask a central banker what her job is, she will most probably answer: “keeping inflation under control!” Indeed, securing price stability constitutes the current raison d’être of most, if not all, central banks around the world. In parallel to this objective, however, many ... continue reading

What is Sustainable Monetary Policy?

17 February 2014
Monetary, Workshops | Tags: Alternative Currencies, Commodities, Financial Stability
Colloquium on monetary policy, its impact on financial markets in general and commodity markets in particular, the role of deregulation in the financial crisis, and the potential of alternative currencies. ... continue reading

Monetary Policy and Society

30 January 2014, Zurich, Switzerland
Lectures, Monetary | Tags: Financial Stability, Inequality
CEP Lecture by William White. Dr White is the Chairman of the Economic and Development Review Committee of the OECD, and the former Chief Economist of the Bank for International Settlements. He is also an advisor to CEP. ... continue reading