Tax Incentives in Developing Economies in Times of COVID-19
24 June 2020
Fiscal, Workshops | Tags: Covid-19, Developing Countries, Tax Expenditures
In times of COVID-19, countries across the world are introducing a myriad of response and stimulus packages including costly and (often) ineffective tax incentives to mitigate the economic downturn triggered by the pandemic. The first in a series of two virtual seminars co-organized by CEP and the GLOBTAXGOV Project (Leiden University) explored the measures taken by developing countries – the second seminar “Incentivos Fiscales en Iberoamérica en Tiempos de COVID19” was focused on Iberoamérica and held in Spanish.
The seminar, which was held on Wednesday June 24 2020 (4pm-6pm CEST) featured Edmund Valpy Fitzgerald (Oxford University and ICRICT), Alexandra Redhead (IISD and IGF), Sanjeev Gupta (CGDEV) and CEP fellow Agustin Redonda, and was moderated by Irma Mosquera Valderrama.
The ICRICT report (in English, French and Spanish) that Edmund Valpy Fitzgerald presented can be found here. The presentation by Alexandra Readhead can be downloaded here, by Sanjeev Gupta here and by Agustin Redonda here.