Services Policy Reform and Manufacturing Employment: Evidence from Transition Economies
Matteo Fiorini,
Bernard Hoekman and
Clement Malgouyres | 13 September 2017
Working Papers | Tags:
Services Trade
Policy reforms targeting the services sectors are a neglected dimension of the process of structural transformation and economic development. The effects of such reforms on employment across industries as a function of their use of services as intermediate inputs are theoretically ambiguous and remain largely
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Monetary Policy and the Redistribution Channel
Adrien Auclert | 28 June 2017
Working Papers | Tags:
Income Inequality,
Interest Rates
This paper evaluates the role of redistribution in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy to consumption. Three channels affect aggregate spending when winners and losers have different marginal propensities to consume: an earnings heterogeneity channel from unequal income gains, a Fisher channel from unexpected inflation,
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Foreign Trade Barriers and Jobs in Global Supply Chains
Stefan Kühn and
Christian Viegelahn | 27 June 2017
Working Papers | Tags:
Services Trade
This paper studies the impact of foreign barriers to goods and services trade on domestic jobs that are directly or indirectly related to affected trade flows.
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The Impact of Service and Goods Offshoring on Employment: Firm-Level Evidence
Ilke Van Beveren,
Stijn Vanormelingen and
Carmine Ornaghi | 29 May 2017
Working Papers | Tags:
Services Trade
Advances in communication technology have led to a remarkable increase in the tradability of services, resulting in a substantial increase in offshoring of services over the last two decades. Research investigating how this surge in service offshoring affects employment, has been largely hampered by the
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Intellectual Property Boxes and the Paradox of Price Discrimination
Ben Klemens | 15 May 2017
Working Papers | Tags:
Corporate Taxes,
Patent Boxes,
Tax Competition,
Tax Expenditures
This paper considers the methods by which some existing laws and proposals offer different tax rates to different types of capital, a scheme variously known as a patent box, innovation box, or intellectual property box (IP box). It presents a model of international tax competition—what
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