Working Papers

Transition and Systemic Risk in the South African Banking Sector: Assessment and Macroprudential Options

, and | 22 July 2024
Monetary, Working Papers | Tags: Central Banks, Climate Risks, Financial Stability, Macroprudential Policy, South Africa
This paper presents the main transition risks for the South African banking sector, highlighting that the coal value chain is central to these risks. It assesses the banking system’s exposure to transition risks in the corporate sector, showing that they are material and widespread. ... continue reading

Services in the India-EU Free Trade Agreement

| 30 October 2023
Trade, Working Papers | Tags: EU, India, Services Trade, Telecommunications, Trade Agreements
EU and India have common objectives to lead the digital transition in an inclusive and sustainable manner while safeguarding privacy, security and competition. ... continue reading

Assessing Pension-Related Tax Expenditures in South Africa

and | 6 April 2021
Fiscal, Working Papers | Tags: Inequality, Pensions, South Africa, Tax Expenditures
In 2016, the South African government introduced a comprehensive reform to simplify and harmonize the pension system in order to incentivize pension savings and increase the fairness of the retirement system. Using administrative tax micro-data, we assess the impact of the 2016 reform and find that it triggered ... continue reading

Unconventional Monetary Policy and Inequality – Is Japan Unique?

and | 20 September 2019
Monetary, Working Papers | Tags: Inequality, Japan, Quantitative Easing
For over a decade, but especially since the start of Abenomics in 2013, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) has been increasing the monetary base rapidly by implementing an unconventional monetary policy (UMP). In a 2014 study, we found that Japan’s UMP had increased income inequality. ... continue reading

Firm Heterogeneity in Services Trade: Micro-Level Evidence from Eight OECD Countries

, and | 18 April 2019
Trade, Working Papers | Tags: Services Trade
This paper shows that smaller and less productive firms, as well as first-time exporters are overproportionally affected by services trade barriers using micro-data from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. ... continue reading