Corporate Taxation, BEPS and the Swiss Corporate Tax Reform III
31 May 2016
Roundtables | Tags:
Corporate Taxes
Roundtable – co-organized with Avenir Suisse – on corporate taxation, BEPS and the Swiss Corporate Tax Reform III with David Bradbury, Head, Tax Policy and Statistics Division, OECD.
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Employment Effects of Services Trade Reform
25-27 November, 2015
Workshops | Tags:
Services Trade,
Driven by spectacular technological advances and the emergence and intensification of global value chains (GVCs), trade in services has been the most dynamic part of global trade over recent years. The concurrent rise of services trade provisions in existing and forthcoming trade agreements bears testimony
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Jobs in Global Value Chains
2 October 2015
Workshops | Tags:
Global Value Chains,
Services Trade
New ways of measuring global trade flows provide for a fresh look on how trade works. Data on trade in value added terms often displays substantial differences with data on trade measured in gross value. The implications for our understanding of how trade and trade
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Monetary Policy and the Distribution of Income and Wealth
September 11-12, 2015
Workshops | Tags:
There has been intense focus recently on inequality in income and wealth across and within countries. Both developed and developing countries have experienced a marked increase in the gap between high and low income households, as well as an increase in the concentration of income
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Fundamental Tax Reform: The Purple Tax Plan
1 June 2015
Roundtables | Tags:
Consumption Tax,
Corporate Tax,
Inheritance Tax
Roundtable on fundamental tax reform with Laurence Kotlikoff and a focus on his "Purple Tax Plan". Professor Kotlikoff is Professor of Economics at Boston University, as well as a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Director of the Tax Analysis
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